7 Costco Drugstore Items That Are a Waste of Money

Tylenol and Advil 

A 750-count bottle of medication is unlikely to be consumed by even a small family of adults before its expiration date.

Image Soruce: Costco

Razor Blades

However, your budget might not allow you to spend $43 on 20 razor blades at once. Even if you replace the blade every five to ten shavings,

Image Source: Costco Busines Center


Although Costco often has reasonable toothpaste costs, grocery shops frequently have lower ones.

Image Source: Costco


Babies require several diaper changes, as new parents are well aware. This is why purchasing a large package from Costco could seem sensible.

Image Source: Costco


After a few years, sunscreen loses its effectiveness and expires, much like over-the-counter medications. 

Image Source: Costco Business Center

Q-tips / Cotton Swabs

At $11.49 for a total of 1750 swabs, Costco's large three-pack of Q-tips brand cotton swabs may appear to be an exceptional deal.

Image Source: Costco

Eyeglasses and Contacts

At $11.49 for a total of 1750 swabs, Costco's large three-pack of Q-tips brand cotton swabs may appear to be an exceptional deal.

Image Source: Costco Contacts Online

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